Quality –
for certain!

Quality Management

We deliver quality!

We place the highest demands on safety and quality management – that’s why we continuously review and optimize all internal processes. In this way, we remain flexible and can respond efficiently to short-term market changes and individual customer requests. All our innovations and high-quality standards aim to make everyday life easier for our customers – through new, holistic and customer-specific services.

The Schneckenreither Group attaches great importance to the fact that the highest quality standards are continuously reviewed, exemplified in the company and ensured in the form of certificates for the customer:

State award
In accordance with § 68 (1) of the 1994 Gewerbeordnung, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs honours a commercial company with this award if it has rendered outstanding services to the Austrian economy (section 2, number 2) and has occupied a leading and generally respected position nationwide in its economic sector (section 3).

State certified
Presentable qualification: the seal of approval master business
Commercial businesses whose owner or managing director has successfully passed the master’s examination may use the words “master”, “master business” or words with a similar content when naming the business premises.

Austrian Logistics
Austrian Logistics was founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology together with the federal association Logistik Österreich, the Federation of Industries, the Network Logistics Association, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Central Association of Forwarding & Logistics as part of the logistics initiative. The aim is to highlight the excellent services provided by Austrian logistics worldwide. In addition, the holistic benefits of the logistics discipline and its networking contribution to the economy are demonstrated.

Leading companies Austria
Service quality as a source of sustainable growth.
Leitbetrieb is an independent, cross-sector business network that registers and connects service-oriented companies. The aim is to establish a comprehensive new service culture and thus to create a win-win situation: Every company that leads the service brand has a clear lead over the competition thanks to its verifiable commitment to better service. And every customer benefits every day from better service quality and positive experiences.

Credit Certificate

Excellent credit rating

HACCP Codex Alimentarius

Valid until May 6th, 2024
Transport and logistics, rental of warehouse and office space

ISO 9001:2015

Valid until October 22nd, 2024
Freight forwarding, transport and logistics servides, rental of warehouses and offices, technical services for transport companies

ISO 14001:2015

Valid until October 22nd, 2024
Freight forwarding, transport and logistics servides, rental of warehouses and offices, technical services for transport companies

IFS Logistics
Location: Ansfelden

Valid until January 31st, 2026
Storage and picking of packed food and non-food articles without temperature control.

IFS Logistics
Location: Seiersberg near Graz

Valid until February 3rd, 2026
Storage and picking of food and non-food articles with and without temperature control; Sampling for customs

IFS Logistics
Location: Wiener Neudorf

Valid until February 4th, 2026
Storage of non-food items without temperature control; Picking non-food items. Scheduling of food transport with and without temperature control.

IFS Logistics
Location: allwels

Valid until February 2nd, 2026
Storage and picking of packaged food and non-food articles with and without temperature control (cool, cool and dry, ambient).


Valid until January 31st, 2023
Organic production

INEO exemplary training company

2019 – 2022
Award for exemplary training company

Unlike others.
Are you interested in our services? Then simply book a consultation appointment on our platform. We are here for you!